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Côte d'Ivoire Compact

Côte d’Ivoire experienced political instability and economic decline throughout the 1990s and 2000s. Between 2012-2019, political stability and policy reforms have allowed the economy to recover from years of stagnation, with an average annual GDP growth rate of eight percent during that period. This progress can be seen in the reduction of the poverty rate from 46.3 percent in 2015 to 39.5 percent in 2018, based on World Bank statistics.

The MCC Board of Directors approved a $524.7 million compact for Côte d’Ivoire at its quarterly board meeting in September 2017. In February 2022, the MCC Board of Directors approved a one-year, $12 million extension to address delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of Côte d’Ivoire is expected to provide an additional $22 million to support the feasibility and sustainability of the compact. The program supports the country’s efforts through two projects that address key binding constraints to economic growth with investments in the education and transportation sectors.


Financials as of June 30, 2024

Program Budget


  • Signed:
    November 7, 2017
  • Entry Into Force:
    August 5, 2019

Program Projects

  • $294,570,000
    Project Total Amount
  • $252,667,645
    Project Amount Committed
  • $121,759,090
    Project Amount Expended

The Abidjan Transport Project comprises two activities designed to improve efficiency in the transport of people and goods, increase the integration between transport systems, and improve road safety and pavement surface conditions in Abidjan along the major transport arteries. The Transport Infrastructure Activity focuses on the rehabilitation of up to 32 kilometers of critical roadway and adjoining infrastructure in the central corridor of Abidjan. The Transport Management and Planning (TMP) Activity is investing in educational and training resources for road asset management, develop road asset and safety resources and management tools, and develop mechanisms to support more efficient use of road maintenance funds. The TMP Activity also has supported transaction advisory services to help Côte d’Ivoire develop private sector-led solutions to resolve the persistent problem of heavy-truck parking in and around the Port of Abidjan.

Progress and Achievements to Date

Transport Infrastructure Activity: An architect and engineering firm completed the engineering designs, environmental and social impact assessment, and resettlement action plan studies for the four major road investments in fall 2022. MCA-Côte d’Ivoire signed the two of four road works contracts for the Abidjan Transport Project in early spring 2023 and signed the second road works contracts in summer 2023.

Transport Management and Planning Activity: The third and final 3ES cohort began training with a partner university program (Polytechnique Montreal and Michigan State) in September 2022 and graduated in June 2023.

Road Asset Management: Technical assistance is being provided to relevant road agencies to develop a comprehensive road asset management system. Road and bridge condition surveys are being conducted and field data will be used to develop maintenance strategies and work plans.

  • $157,198,980
    Project Total Amount
  • $125,399,021
    Project Amount Committed
  • $64,673,838
    Project Amount Expended

The Skills for Employability and Productivity Project is comprised of two activities. The Secondary Education Activity will construct, equip, and provide support for up to 84 new secondary schools, construct two teacher training satellite campuses and redesign the pre-service teacher training curriculum and supervision program, develop and operationalize a national gender policy for Côte d’Ivoire’s educational system, support the development of an integrated education management information system and implement of student assessments. The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Activity will establish up to four new TVET centers that will be developed and managed through public-private partnerships with selected consortia representing industries in Côte d’Ivoire. In addition, the TVET Activity will support the development of a permanent tracer study system and a national accreditation system for TVET centers.

Progress and Achievements to Date

Secondary Schools: As of November 2023, 20 secondary schools are under construction in the Gbêkê and San Pedro region, and MCA-Côte d’Ivoire (the implementing entity responsible for compact implementation) kicked off the construction of a second group of schools using prefabricated materials. MCA-Côte d’Ivoire also launched the construction of two teacher training satellite campuses. Additionally, the Government of Côte d’Ivoire completed its first ever participation in the international education assessment TIMSS, which will provide data to improve future decision-making in the education sector.

Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET): MCA-Côte d’Ivoire concluded a first-round call for partners in the fall of 2020 to preselect eight partners. In June 2022, following detailed presentations, four partners were invited to submit proposals to set up, operate, and maintain TVET centers under this new private sector-led model. MCA-Côte d’Ivoire then facilitated the negotiations and signing of concession agreements between the Government and private sector consortia. MCA-Côte d’Ivoire is now in the process of procuring the construction of two TVET centers and working to formalize grants agreements with the selected consortia.

As of Mon Apr 15 2024 10:08:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)